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Viel Spaß beim Stöbern.

Yours sincerely


Freitag, 19. September 2008

letter of application

Name & Title: Position: Name and Address of Company: Date:

Your Address:Tel: e-mail:
Dear {Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr, Mr} {Name},

(Position applied for and reference number may form a subject heading.)

Paragraph One:
Why you are writing? Conventional opening stating the purpose of the letter, where and when you saw the vacancy advertised etc.
Paragraph Two:
Useful to 'set the scene' for the reader. Who are you? What are you doing now or have done recently?.
Paragraph Three:
Why you can do the job!- Key Skills- Personal Qualities - Relevant Experience, AchievementsUse the Job Description and Person Specification to 'Fit Yourself to the Job' - give evidence! Be positive & imaginative but not arrogant.
Paragraph Four:
What attracts you to the job? What attracts you to the Company?Enthusiasm, Motivation, Confidence.
Paragraph Five:
Conventional close - Confirm what you want!Circumstances / Availability - for interview or meeting? .

Yours sincerely,

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